the wheel of the year

Get your free workbook now!

Finding your rhythm in a world that runs on masculinity can be difficult. The masculine embodies structure, time constructs, linear thinking, and hard work. The feminine embodies the freedom to feel, creativity, nurturing, and hard work in the spiritual realm. The combination of both is where we find balance, and the wheel of the year can help us get there.

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    "This workbook was so helpful! It was easy to understand and gave me permission to stop pushing and pressuring myself when I flow with the rhythm of what mother nature has designed for us"

    woman in black tank top and black shorts wearing black sun hat standing on beach shore


    Huntington Beach, CA

    What you get:

    A free printable 11-page workbook that guides you through the Wheel of the Year with prompts to help you reflect and understand what each Sabbat means in your life.

    What is it all about?

    This workbook is a journey of self-discovery and attunement to the natural world. The Wheel of the Year is an ancient calendar used by various cultures to mark the changing seasons and significant moments in the cycle of the Earth. By aligning ourselves with our cyclical nature, we can live more harmoniously within the seasons, enhancing mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This guide offers a glimpse into each Wheel of the Year festivity, providing historical insights and modern ways to integrate these practices into your busy life.