
Wild Raven's Nest

Cold Stratification

Wild Raven Connection

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Have you heard? We're Moving!

Our new location in Terrell is a 1900s gem with a story to tell. Be sure to catch up with us on social media for the serendipitous story that brought us here!

My Winter Solstice Slow Down

Working with the Wheel of the Year shifts things. It creates a beat to follow so you can move to the rhythm of nature. It takes time to incorporate, but there’s no hurry. It took me years to even begin to play with the sabbats. Though many of our modern-day holidays follow a similar theme, like Easter/Ostara and Xmas/Yule, they don’t honor what nature is trying to teach us.

Winter is a time of rest. Nature knows it, the animals understand, yet we are encouraged to shop till we drop and attend events of all sorts. We cook and clean, hustle and buy, but do we take time to get quiet?

This year, I chose to honor the true spirit of the season by stepping away from work for two and a half weeks. This wasn't just a break; it was a necessity. After feeling stagnant and running non-stop for over a year, my body and soul were crying out for rest.

In this quiet space, I tuned into my inner voice. I visualized closing the shop, feeling into what that would mean. But my body's reaction was clear: a resounding no. As if by magic, the very next day, a listing for a place in Terrell appeared on my Facebook feed. It was the sign I needed, and the decision was made.

Our Own Cold Stratification

Now, we're in a phase I like to call 'cold stratification', much like the seeds that need the cold of winter to activate their growth in spring. As I write this, snow covers the ground. With nowhere to go as the roads are frozen. Yet, the seed perseveres in its dark fertile soil. Activating under the stress and pressure to make us stronger as we sprout in the spring.

Looking Ahead

We have tentatively planned a soft opening in February, followed by a grand opening in March - perfectly in tune with the Wheel of the Year.

Thank you for being part of our journey. This winter, as we embrace the slowdown and prepare for new beginnings, we're reminded of the beauty in following nature's lead.

602 N. Rockwall Ave. , Terrell, TX 75160

Wild Raven's Nest

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